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Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long history of bryophyte flora research. However, it is still considered insufficiently investigated, and until recently the bryophyte investigations were completely neglected. Hence new records for the country are expected with novel exploration. Here, we report one liverwort (Porella obtusata) and four moss species (Bryum klinggraeffii, Cinclidotus danubicus, Habrodon perpusillus and Imbribryum subapiculatum) new for the country's bryophyte flora. With these new records, the bryoflora of Bosnia and Herzegovina numbers 673 taxa (no hornworts, 134 liverworts and 539 mosses).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jovana P. Pantović, Svetlana N. Grdović, Marko S. Sabovljević

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- Ellis, L.T., Ah-Peng, C., Aslan, G., Bakalin, V.A., Bergamini, A., Callaghan, D.A., Campisi, P., Raimondo, F.M., Choi, S.S., Csiky, J., Csikyné Radnai, E., Cykowska-Marzencka, B., Czernyadjeva, I.V., Kalinina, Y.M., Afonina, O.M., Domina, G., Drapela, P., Fedosov, V.E., Fuertes, E., Gabriel, R., Kubová, M., Soares Albergaria, I., Gospodinov, G., Natcheva, R., Graulich, A., Hedderson, T., Hernández-Rodríguez, E., Hugonnot, V., Hyun, C.W., Kırmacı, M., Çatak, U., Kubešová, S., Kučera, J., LA Farge, C., Larraín, J., Martin, P., Mufeed, B., Manju, C.N., Rajesh, K.P., Németh, C., Nagy, J., Norhazrina, N., Syazwana, N., O’Leary, S.V., Park, S.J., Peña-Retes, A.P., Rimac, A., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., Koletić, N., Vuković, N., Rosadziński, S., Rosselló, J.A., Sabovljević, M.S., Sabovljević, A. D., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Sérgio, C., Shkurko, A.V., Shyriaieva, D., Virchenko, V.M., Smoczyk, M., Spitale, D., Srivastava, P., Omar, I., Asthana, A.K., Staniaszek-Kik, M., Cienkowska, A., Ștefănuţ, M.M., Ștefănuţ, S., Tamas, G., Bîrsan, C.C., Nicoară, G.R., Ion, M.C., Pócs, T., Kunev, G., Troeva, E.I., van Rooy, J., Wietrzyk-Pełka, P., Węgrzyn, M.H., Wolski, G.J., Bożyk, D., Cienkowska, A., 2021a: New national and regional bryophyte records, 65. Journal of Bryology 43, 67–91.
- Ellis, L.T, Alatas, M., Alvaro Alba, W.R, Charry Giraldo, A.M., Amatov, V., Batan, N., Becerra Infante, D.A, Burghardt, M., Czernyadjeva, I.V., Kuzmina, E.Y., Doroshina, G.Y., Erata, H., Garilleti, R., Gradstein, S.R., Jukoinene, I., Karaman Erkul, S., Keksin, A., Ezer, T., Lara, F., Draper, I., Maksimov, A.I., Mammandova, A.V., Natcheva, R., Nemeth, C., Pantović, J., Sabovljević, M. S., Papp, B., Poponessi, S., Cogoni, A., Porley, R.D., Reiner-Drehvald, M.E., Schafer-Verwimp, A., Schmotzer, A., Segota, V., Alegro, A., Rimac, A., Stefanut, S., Szurdoki, E., Vilk, E.F., Virchenko, V.M., Bijlsma, R.J., Callaghan, D.A., 2021b: New national and regional bryophyte records, 67. Journal of Bryology 43, 301–311.
- Galić, A., 2011: Hydrogeological conditions of the area of water reservoirs in western Herzegovina. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tu- zla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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- Hodgetts, N., Lockhart, N., 2020: Checklist and country status of European bryophytes –update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manu- als, No. 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
- Kummer, A., Sendtner, O., 1849: Enumeratio plantarum in iti- nere Sendtneriano in Bosnia lectarum, cum definitionibus novarum specierum et adumbrationibus obscurarum vari- etatumque. Flora oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung, 32, 1-10.
- Lasić, A., Jasprica, N., 2016: Vegetation diversity of the two Di- naric karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Biologia 71, 777–792.
- Pantović, J., Milanović, Đ., Sabovljević, M., 2016: Three novel- ties for the bryophyte flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her- zogia 29, 801–804.
- Pantović, J., Milanović, Đ., Janković, I., Sabovljević, M., 2017: Towards the bryophyte flora of the Sutjeska National Park (the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci 26, 51–74.
- Redžić, S., Barudanović, S., Radević, M. (eds.), 2008: Bosnia and Herzegovina - a country of diversity. Overview and status of biological and landscape diversity of Bosnia and Herzegov- ina: the first report of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Con- vention on Biological Diversity. Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma, Sarajevo (in Bosnian).
- Sabovljević, M., Alegro, A., Sabovljević, A., Marka, J., Vujičić, M., 2011: An insight into diversity of the Balkan Peninsula bryophyte flora in the European background. Revue d’Écologie 66, 399–413.
- Sabovljević, M., Papp, B., Szurdoki, E., 2010: New bryophyte re- cords to some countries of the South-Eastern Europe. Cryp- togamie, Bryologie 31, 289–292.
Ellis, L.T., Ah-Peng, C., Aslan, G., Bakalin, V.A., Bergamini, A., Callaghan, D.A., Campisi, P., Raimondo, F.M., Choi, S.S., Csiky, J., Csikyné Radnai, E., Cykowska-Marzencka, B., Czernyadjeva, I.V., Kalinina, Y.M., Afonina, O.M., Domina, G., Drapela, P., Fedosov, V.E., Fuertes, E., Gabriel, R., Kubová, M., Soares Albergaria, I., Gospodinov, G., Natcheva, R., Graulich, A., Hedderson, T., Hernández-Rodríguez, E., Hugonnot, V., Hyun, C.W., Kırmacı, M., Çatak, U., Kubešová, S., Kučera, J., LA Farge, C., Larraín, J., Martin, P., Mufeed, B., Manju, C.N., Rajesh, K.P., Németh, C., Nagy, J., Norhazrina, N., Syazwana, N., O’Leary, S.V., Park, S.J., Peña-Retes, A.P., Rimac, A., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., Koletić, N., Vuković, N., Rosadziński, S., Rosselló, J.A., Sabovljević, M.S., Sabovljević, A. D., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Sérgio, C., Shkurko, A.V., Shyriaieva, D., Virchenko, V.M., Smoczyk, M., Spitale, D., Srivastava, P., Omar, I., Asthana, A.K., Staniaszek-Kik, M., Cienkowska, A., Ștefănuţ, M.M., Ștefănuţ, S., Tamas, G., Bîrsan, C.C., Nicoară, G.R., Ion, M.C., Pócs, T., Kunev, G., Troeva, E.I., van Rooy, J., Wietrzyk-Pełka, P., Węgrzyn, M.H., Wolski, G.J., Bożyk, D., Cienkowska, A., 2021a: New national and regional bryophyte records, 65. Journal of Bryology 43, 67–91.
Ellis, L.T, Alatas, M., Alvaro Alba, W.R, Charry Giraldo, A.M., Amatov, V., Batan, N., Becerra Infante, D.A, Burghardt, M., Czernyadjeva, I.V., Kuzmina, E.Y., Doroshina, G.Y., Erata, H., Garilleti, R., Gradstein, S.R., Jukoinene, I., Karaman Erkul, S., Keksin, A., Ezer, T., Lara, F., Draper, I., Maksimov, A.I., Mammandova, A.V., Natcheva, R., Nemeth, C., Pantović, J., Sabovljević, M. S., Papp, B., Poponessi, S., Cogoni, A., Porley, R.D., Reiner-Drehvald, M.E., Schafer-Verwimp, A., Schmotzer, A., Segota, V., Alegro, A., Rimac, A., Stefanut, S., Szurdoki, E., Vilk, E.F., Virchenko, V.M., Bijlsma, R.J., Callaghan, D.A., 2021b: New national and regional bryophyte records, 67. Journal of Bryology 43, 301–311.
Galić, A., 2011: Hydrogeological conditions of the area of water reservoirs in western Herzegovina. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tu- zla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Grgić, P., 1985: Istraženost briofita u Bosni i Hercegovini i njene karakteristike. Godišnjak Biološkog Instituta Univerziteta Sarajevo 38, 33–41.
Hodgetts, N., Lockhart, N., 2020: Checklist and country status of European bryophytes –update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manu- als, No. 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
Kummer, A., Sendtner, O., 1849: Enumeratio plantarum in iti- nere Sendtneriano in Bosnia lectarum, cum definitionibus novarum specierum et adumbrationibus obscurarum vari- etatumque. Flora oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung, 32, 1-10.
Lasić, A., Jasprica, N., 2016: Vegetation diversity of the two Di- naric karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Biologia 71, 777–792.
Pantović, J., Milanović, Đ., Sabovljević, M., 2016: Three novel- ties for the bryophyte flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her- zogia 29, 801–804.
Pantović, J., Milanović, Đ., Janković, I., Sabovljević, M., 2017: Towards the bryophyte flora of the Sutjeska National Park (the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci 26, 51–74.
Redžić, S., Barudanović, S., Radević, M. (eds.), 2008: Bosnia and Herzegovina - a country of diversity. Overview and status of biological and landscape diversity of Bosnia and Herzegov- ina: the first report of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Con- vention on Biological Diversity. Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma, Sarajevo (in Bosnian).
Sabovljević, M., Alegro, A., Sabovljević, A., Marka, J., Vujičić, M., 2011: An insight into diversity of the Balkan Peninsula bryophyte flora in the European background. Revue d’Écologie 66, 399–413.
Sabovljević, M., Papp, B., Szurdoki, E., 2010: New bryophyte re- cords to some countries of the South-Eastern Europe. Cryp- togamie, Bryologie 31, 289–292.