Our journal Acta Botanica Croatica will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025. The Publisher and the Editorial Team have decided to celebrate this precious occasion by publishing the anniversary issue 84(1) 2025 (1st April 2025).
If you are interested in publishing a contribution in the anniversary issue, please send your contributions to us by 1st April 2024 at the latest. Please indicate in the cover letter that your manuscript is intended for the anniversary issue. All contributions will undergo the usual review process and will be published immediately after acceptance as the online first publication with a DOI number on the journal's platform (https://hrcak.srce.hr/acta-botanica-croatica). The impact factor of Acta Botanica Croatica is 1.3 in 2022-2023 (WoS Q3) and 1.4 for five years.
All instructions for preparing and submitting manuscripts can be found on the journal's page https://www.abc.botanic.hr/index.php/abc/index. If you require any further information, you can contact us by email: acta@biol. pmf.hr
The official celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the journal will take place immediately after the issue is printed in April 2025, about which you will be informed in due time.
We would like to thank everyone who will contribute to this important anniversary for Croatia.
Mirta Tkalec and Nenad Jasprica, Editors-in-Chief